Brain Peak

Overall Success Rate: 62%
Last Updated: February 13, 2025
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For those whose job or university requires them to concentrate for extended periods of time, or for those who need to make vital decisions at a moment’s notice, Brain Peak is at your service. Brain Peak is a mind enhancing, performance strengthening supplement that claims to help you think more quickly and more effectively.


The supplement Brain Peak appears to be manufactured by a company called Brain Peak. We found one website whose name is similar to Brain Peak and who advertises Brain Peak, but when we clicked on the link to buy the product, we were taken to another supplement’s website. Every other website that featured Brain Peak and that claimed to allow us to buy Brain Peak, took us to an incorrect website. However, we did read that it is somehow possible to participate in a free trial and then continue purchasing Brain Peak monthly.

Marketing Practices

We found perhaps over a dozen of websites claiming to evaluate Brain Peak, warning us not to buy Brain Peak until we read their review. But after reading just the first few sentences of each of these reviews, it was obvious they were not professionally written. The English appeared to have been translated using an online translator tool and the information wasn’t clearly presented. Now, we don’t know for certain that Brain Peak is responsible for these reviews, but since the reviews used the Brain Peak logo, we were felt these websites may be run by the Brain Peak company.


According to the reviews we mentioned above, Brain Peak keeps its complete ingredients list secret, supposedly in order to protect its brand.

However, we found one review that listed a few of the ingredients, which included the following:

Vinpocetine resembles the periwinkle plant and is used to increase blood flow to the brain. This increased blood flow then enhances your memory making abilities and helps prevent Alzheimer’s and other memory conditions.

Glucuronolactone may detoxify the body.

Citicoline is used to treat Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, and also head trauma.

Ginkgo biloba has been used for years to improve blood flow to the brain and also act as an antioxidant.


According to one review we found online, you can participate in a free trial. However, you must pay for shipping for your first bottle, and unless you call and cancel within a certain time period, you will be charged $139.97. However, this information may be outdated or incorrect.


With the information we were able to discover online, it was a little difficult to fully evaluate Brain Peak. However, the ingredients listed on the one review we found are generally well-known and respected amongst the nootropic world. Yet we were unable to find Brain Peak’s official website and also the complete list of ingredients. Therefore we can only say that Brain Peak may be a good supplement, but we remain uncertain.

Brain Peak Reviewed by Brain Ehancement Advisor. Rating: 62%
Editors' Choice Award Winner
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Awarded Week of: Saturday February 01, 2025

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