BrainPlus IQ Review: Not Too Impressed By The Company’s Marketing Techniques
Our First Impressions
BrainPlus IQ understands that by the time most people hit 30, cognitive function begins to decline and although the motivation is there, the brain can no longer keep up at focusing for longer periods of time. Today, there are thousands of supplement companies that are releasing very similar cognitive enhancing products with very similar formulas. Some overprice them while others are not so focused on making money but rather ensuring customer guarantee. Like many products out there, BrainPlus IQ is designed to boost focus, memory and energy. While their nicely designed website may fool many into thinking that the manufacturers have designed something legit, we’re going to take a closer look at their ingredients list to test whether or not it’s any good.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that some companies are in this business just in it for money. After scrutinizing BrainPlus IQ’s webpage, we were not too impressed. Firstly, while there are many claims about the product’s benefits written in huge bold letters across the website, we couldn’t see any details about the formula. Secondly, the manufacturers say that their product has undergone clinical trials and the results showed that BrainPlus IQ can boost brain power up by 89.2% and increase focus by 121%. Where are the details to these clinical trials? Why aren’t we shown the scientific data to these claims?
BrainPlus IQ’s website is completely plastered with phrases such as “Claim my order now!” and “This product is currently in stock now and available until midnight ONLY!”. Clearly not the case, because everytime we visit the website it seems that the product is still available. This method of rushing customers into buying a product without even knowing which ingredients compose the formula is not something we’re fans of.
Moreover, the manufacturers have claimed that their product has been featured on famous news sites such as NBC, The Daily News, CNN Health, Chicago Tribune and USA Today. Funnily enough, we couldn’t find any of these articles after hectically searching for them online.
The only thing we know about BrainPlus IQ’s formula is that it is composed of a 100% phosphatidylserine complex. Phosphatidylserine is a compound that can effectively boost memory in some people, but is this enough to improve other aspects of cognitive function such as focus and mental alertness? Hard to say, but the probable answer is no.
The word ‘complex’ up there indicates that there are other ingredients packed into each capsule, but exactly which substances have the manufacturers chosen? We’re not too impressed by the company’s secretive ways.
Since BrainPlus IQ has used such shady marketing techniques, none of our team members were willing to step up to give it a try…and understandably so. No one should force themselves to take a product without knowing exactly what it is made up of, and that includes you!
Other Reviews
The only consumer reviews on BrainPlus IQ that we were able to spot were located on Here’s a few that don’t even make any sense…
“I is horhe from mexico……… mustache is bigger now!!!! Thanks brainplusIQ!!!!! Ohhhhhlaaaayyyy” – Horhe on
“It is very effective product to be focused and pleased in daily activities. Recommended for day dreamers.” – St on
When you visit BrainPlus IQ’s website, you will notice that you are required to give away your personal details (first & last name, address, postal code, phone number, email) before being able to see how much each bottle costs. Sounds strange, we know, but that’s how it is. To be able to provide you guys with information on costs, we decided to be the guinea pigs and plug in our personal details. Here are the different packages available:
1 Bottle: $64.95 CAD
3 Bottles: $137.85 CAD
5 Bottles: $174.75 CAD
BrainPlus IQ is a product that claims to boost focus, memory and mental energy. The first thing we did after finding out about this supplement was to visit their website. Unfortunately, we came to realize that BrainPlus IQ is one of those companies who have chosen the dark side by keeping their formula and prices quite secretive. In fact, you are forced to give away your personal details before even getting to know the cost of each bottle – something that should not the case with nootropic supplements.
BrainPlus IQ also promises that their product is 100% safe and won’t trigger any side effects. You can understand how ridiculous it is to make such claims because even the very best batch of supplements can lead to minor side effects. Certain ingredients can interact with each person’s medication and health conditions, leading to unwanted results. To be frank, we are not very impressed by the company’s choice of marketing techniques. Additionally, the price of each bottle does not come cheap; $64.95 is above average. If you’re eager to buy a cognitive enhancing supplement that can help you with memory, focus, productivity and energy then we recommend going with a product manufactured by a more reliable company, such as Avanse Nutraceuticals.
BrainPlus IQ Reviewed by Brain Enhancement Advisor. Rating: 76%
Awarded Week of: Saturday February 01, 2025